Well nearly half the day has passed, but no matter. I have decided to do a FB/media fast novena in preparation for our First Profession on September 20. In this time I will be discerning if and how God wishes me to utilize certain forms of media and how best I can work for the sanctification of the media. Saint Therese wished to be a missionary but knew she was called to the cloister. She offered her life quietly for the missions behind the cloister walls and is now the patron saint of missions. As a Pauline, I share the mission of the Pauline Family to spread the Gospel through modern media, but that takes many forms in this day. My primary vocation is my family, and by giving myself to that with all my heart, I am also giving myself to the Holy Family Institute with all my heart. In doing this, I spiritually prop up my Pauline brothers and sisters who are toiling away in active evangelization, much like Therese propped up the missions with her faithfully lived cloistered life. One other aspect of our Pauline vocation is reparation for misuse of all media, and we make reparation for the misuse and abuse of media by fasting from it.
I do not need to tell you media fasting does not come easily to this ADD mama. I am guilty of these things myself and it is a constant struggle to avoid overuse of Facebook when I need a breath in my day, a mental break or a human connection that isn't fighting or whining. This, however, is what truly makes it a sacrifice, and therefore meritorious, if I do it in union with Jesus.
So I will be off for at least the length of this novena, 9 full days, which ends near noon on Saturday the 20th. I do not think I will be deleting my account, but I do expect to return with a personally defined goal of what my FB use will be for and what limits will need to be. I need this. My family needs this. Everybody struggling with media misuse, abuse, and addiction needs someone to do this for them. This is nothing I am obliged to do, mind you, but I have felt this nagging call for some time. I just weak and slow to respond with my "Yes."
The reality that I-we- will soon be in Church recognized and approved vows of poverty, chastity and obedience is setting in, and my heart could not be more full. But with this comes an immense sense of responsibility and culpability. Every good that we do will be magnified by virtues of our vows and the Pauline Family and it's goals will benefit. Every failing will, conversely, be magnified by virtue of being vowed. Great precaution must be maintained, therefore, as we answer to call of Jesus to be perfect as the Heavenly Father is perfect. We have been called to seek this perfection through our membership in the Pauline Family, through its apostolate of evangelization and media reparation, and when it really comes down to it, maintaining my current mode of Facebook/media usage will only degrade my vows, degrade the Pauline Family's mission, and render me not an asset to the family, but a detriment.
I am SO BLESSED to be called to this spiritual family and these vows. I have wished for something like this for over a decade. I would never want to answer at my judgment for habitually failing to strive to honor my vows, and my family, both temporal and spiritual. That includes YOU. YOU are the "parish" of the Pauline Family. It is for YOU that we work and sacrifice, to bring you Jesus, who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
So for the next 9 days, I will be media silent. And nope not even messenger gets a pass this time. All those who need me have my phone number, or email, or know someone who does. When I return, I'll still be me...Just bursting with more joy and fullness than I have ever experienced.
Pray for me, and I will for you.
To learn more about the HFI and the vows we will be taking, visit http://hfiusa.org !
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