Friday, October 19, 2012

Snapshot at Night

Noise maker whooshing.
Hubby snoring...until the little girls on the other side of the wall wake him up. If I yelled to them that would wake him up...but I cannot get up because...
Nursing baby making little snorty noises in my lap and falling asleep as I type this.
His big brother asleep between mommy and daddy, but facing in the opposite direction.
One big sister baking the most amazing smelling pumpkin spice cookies for her friend's party tomorrow.
Another big sister probably off playing on her Nook; haven't seen her since we got home.
Littles woke up Daddy.
Big brothers presumably in bed.
Snort. Snort. Latch. Fall asleep. Unlatch. Snort. Latch...
What is that noise, and who is playing with it? Sounds like a tape measure.
Pretty sleeping baby by the light of the laptop, with perfect warm baby breath. I love this kid.
Still that noise. Can't call down because one of the cordless phones is in here and will ring.
Cabinet door closed.
Closing my eyes, remembering the dream I had last night. It was weird. Expensive plants...placentas...a placenta cake...we'll just stop at that one.
Chapel in just over 7 hours.
Hubby snoring again.
Off to put baby down and transfer big brother to our couch.
Wish me luck.
Whoosh, snore, unidentified noise, cabinet....