Monday, February 20, 2012

Submit, Woman! Submit!

To paraphrase the lady responding to an article which talks about all kinds of insurance coverage for sexually-natured surgeries for men, but when a woman wants the birth control pill all she gets is an aspirin..."But but but...the bible said women must submit to men, and you know, bear children until they die or DARE we go against someone's God with our godless feminist ideals./sarcasm"

And so, of course, because I have not yet reached that degree of holiness where I feel blessed when others misrepresent, calumniate and lie about my faith, I was compelled to respond. I thought it was worth sharing, as I've just heard this portion of St. Paul's teachings twisted way too many times. I am sure you will be pleased with the lack of elaboration, as you know I do get...attack of the diarrhea hands.
Actually X, the Bible goes beyond telling women to submit to their husbands, and tells men to love their wives like Christ loved the Church. Christ died for the Church. So it calls women to submit to a love that is patient, kind, not boastful, not envious, not arrogant, etc... and for men to die for their wives. Twisting scripture to make your case doesn't help it.

Godless feminists are certainly free to have ideals which go against someone else's God. They are not free, however, to ask the adherents of that God to go against their consciences and subsidize their ideals. The first amendment to the constitution is not disposable when it might impact your sex life if you work for a Catholic.

The coverage for mens' sexual surgeries is ludicrous. You know, when they were developing the pill way back when, it was originally designed for men. One or two men showed some testicular enlargement so they quit doing trials on men and started doing them on women instead. In the early runs, three women died. They adjusted the dosage. Sounds pretty anti-woman down to the roots to me. It's easy to demonize the other side as being anti-woman, but it's a baseless accusation. Catholicism reveres and respects women, and views their bodies as sacred. To suggest otherwise reveals that you have never actually gone to the Church's words to see what they teach about women.
Hopefully this will at least clear up any ideas that women are somehow to be unjustly subjugated to power-hungry spouses, no matter what. If we loved as we ought to love, then nobody would take this scripture and misinterpret it, either in the case of the man who happens to be a tyrannical husband or in the case of the feminist who is trying to make Christianity--especially Catholicism--look anti-woman. Sorry folks, that anti-woman sentiment just is not there, not in the clergy, not in the religious, not in the laity.

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